Third runway for Melbourne Airport

A third runway for Melbourne Airport got the green light from Catherine King MP today. The 3,000-metre runway is expected to come into operation in 2031, and will be built 1.3k to the west of the airport’s existing north-south runway.

Ms King announced her approval of the airport’s expansion saying the additional runway will allow it “to cater for the demand of a growing city, providing better access for freight and passengers and driving economic growth for years to come”.

“Throughout my consideration of this proposal, the needs of the local community have been front of mind,” she said.

“That is why I have imposed certain conditions on Melbourne Airport in order for the third runway to proceed.”

Conditions include:

  • Melbourne Airport providing a legally-enforceable commitment to restore the length of the east-west runway to maximise the opportunities for noise sharing
  • Design and implementation of a noise sharing and airspace plan that prioritises sharing of aircraft noise between affected areas
  • Implementation of a noise amelioration program to communities most impacted
  • And conducting a community health study into the impacts of noise before and after the establishment of the third runway – recording baseline data in the lead up to and for the first 20 years of the operation of the third runway

Ms King says: “My decision to require that the airport maintain sufficient capacity on the existing east-west runway is to support effective noise sharing at Melbourne Airport, so that no one community bears the brunt of the airport’s growth.

“The noise sharing plan will be developed by the airport, and in consultation with local communities, over the years to come.  This is a long-term project – the runway won’t be open for some time.”

Melbourne Airport currently supports more than 18,000 direct jobs and more than 146,000 indirect jobs. Once the new runway is built, the airport will be able have simultaneous take-offs and landings.

An airport spokesperson says the new runway will create 51,000 jobs and add almost $6bn to the state economy every year.

Melbourne Airport will also undertake a long-term study into health impacts of aircraft noise on the community in areas surrounding the airport. The details of the study, including the draft terms of reference, will be developed with input from the Melbourne Airport Community Aviation Consultation Group.

Hume City mayor Naim Kurt says the Federal Government’s approval of a third runway will unlock opportunities for the airport’s growth. 

“While council supports the airport’s growth, it believes that this development can and must occur in a manner which minimises potential adverse effects on the community,” says Kurt.

“We continue to call on the State and Federal governments to provide clarity and commitment to the timing and delivery of the Bulla Bypass, which will alleviate pressure on one of Melbourne Airport’s key arterials, Sunbury Road.

“While we recognise and support the importance of Melbourne Airport’s expansion, it is crucial that the approved third runway’s implementation minimises any potential negative impacts on our residents.

“We will continue to advocate for our community’s health and for noise abatement measures to be recognised, and we expect Melbourne Airport and the Federal Government to uphold these standards when engaging with our Council and community on the third runway’s development.”