About Us

Sunbury Life is an independent news outlet serving the Sunbury region and surrounds. It is run by dedicated volunteers and is not affiliated with any political party or organisation.

We are unbiased, apolitical, celebrate the Sunbury community, and support public interest journalism.

Our work includes reporting on Hume City Council, human interest stories, community issues, and events.

Sunbury Life is reader-supported. We do not seek, nor receive, government / council grants.

The site also exists to give Sunbury companies, organisations, groups, and residents, a place to share their news with the wider community.

You can support us by sharing Sunbury Life with your friends and colleagues, as well as across your social media platforms, and by signing-up to our free email sent with the week’s top stories.

Sunbury Life is bound by the Standards of Practice of the Australian Press Council and LINA

If you believe the Standards may have been breached, you may approach Sunbury Life or make a complaint to the Australian Press Council in writing at www.presscouncil.org.au. The Council may also be contacted on 1800 025 712.

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