Energy upgrade door knockers banned

The door has been slammed in the face of those pounding the streets of Sunbury offering the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program to householders.

The State government ban on hawkers trying to sign people up to the scheme follows reports of high-pressure sales tactics and other “inappropriate marketing practices under the government’s VEU program”. 

The Essential Services Commission will monitor compliance of the ban and take enforcement action for any breaches.

A ban on telemarketing under both the VEU and Solar Victoria also came into effect on 1 May 2024. Doorknocking for Solar Victoria programs has been banned since September 2021.

The VEU reforms strengthen the 2022 VEU Code of Conduct, VEU accredited providers and participants can still use digital and traditional media advertising, and direct marketing such as social media and email.

Any breaches of the VEU door knocking and telemarketing bans should be notified by calling 03 9032 1310 or email [email protected]

The government says through the VEU program, a household can save about $900 when installing a reverse-cycle air-conditioner to replace an old gas heater, saving about $150-$200 off their annual energy bill, or save about $3,600 when replacing a gas ducted system with a reverse-cycle system, saving about $500-$600 off their annual energy bill.