The Victoria Welsh Choir.

Welsh choir sing for church roof

The Victoria Welsh Choir will be performing at St Mary’s Church Sunbury with all proceeds from…

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road traffic.

Hume City Council joins campaign for better transport

Hume City Council is asking the State and Federal governments to improve the region’s transport system…

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Blood pressure test.

Know the first signs of a stroke

A person suffers a stroke every 19 minutes in Australia, it’s one of Victoria’s biggest killers…

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Hi-Quality Bulla.

State Legislative Council petitioned to reject Hi-Quality’s waste-to-energy plan

The State’s Legislative Council is being petitioned to reject waste management firm Hi-Quality’s proposed waste-to-energy plant…

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Nab Bank, Brook Street, Sunbury.

Nab bank delays continue

The Sunbury branch of the Nab bank, ‘temporarily’ closed in January this year for building work…

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L-R - Car Jack Medcraft, MP Josh Bull, Mayor Naim Kurt at the opening of the Sunbury car park.

The $18,000 photo you paid for

An impromptu 'fun day' offering free food, drink, and entertainment at the new Hume City Council…

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door camera

Energy upgrade door knockers banned

The door has been slammed in the face of those pounding the streets of Sunbury offering…

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Common Myna bird

Myna problem becomes a big issue

The common myna bird is in the sights of Cllr Jack Medcraft. He’s convinced Hume City…

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Free trees for Sunbury schools

More than 2,500 trees have been delivered by Great Western Water (GWW) to 52 primary and…

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Hand hovers over an eject button on a desk.

City councillors on notice to behave in the chamber

A change to Hume City Council rules, that allow for councillors to be ejected from a…

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Sunbury Aquatic and leisure Centre.

Roadworks disrupt leisure centre users

Parking close to the Sunbury Aquatic and leisure Centre may be difficult for the next few…

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Mr and Mrs Silva with the crew who helped save Mr Silva's life following a heart attack. Photo / Ambulance Victoria.

CPR training saves Sunbury husband

After undergoing years of CPR training for work, teacher Alison Silva never thought the first time…

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Sunbury car park open day offering free food and entertainment. Photo / Sunbury Life.

Car park ‘fun day’ fizzles

An event to celebrate the opening of a $39m carpark in Evans St, Sunbury, seemed to…

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Australian flag flying from a pole.

Sunbury to celebrate Australia Day

Australia Day will be celebrated in Sunbury next year with a festival planned for Sunday 26…

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Hands up at a group meeting question time.

Public question time at Hume Council 22 July 2024

At every meeting of Hume City Council members of the public get a chance to ask…

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Sunbury Aquatic and Leisure Centre. Photo / Sunbury Life.

Sunbury toddler pool cost blowout

A new toddler pool to be built at the Sunbury Aquatic and Leisure Centre, budgeted to…

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The village green bordering Rolling Meadows Dr is to get a new name.

Village green gets a new name

An area popularly known as the village green, bordered by Rupertswood Rd, Berrydale Rd, and Rolling…

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Hi-Quality waste landfill plant Bulla.

Court orders Hi-Quality to pay $40,000 to Sunbury project

Landfill operator Hi-Quality Quarry Products has been ordered to pay $40,000 to a Sunbury community project…

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Sunbury's multi-deck car park. Photo / Sunbury Life.

Sunbury’s multi-deck car park ready to open

Sunbury’s new multideck car park, fast-tracked and completed ahead of schedule, will open to commuters on…

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Children's hands

Under fives play date with dads

Sunbury Dads playgroup launches Friday 19 July providing an opportunity for dads and father-figures to engage…

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Photo / Pixabay

Free help for your tax return

Hume City Council is offering a free confidential service to help residents who earned less than…

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