Public question time at Hume Council 12 August 2024

PQ1175 – Burhan Yigit – deferred from council meeting 11 June 2024

With Anzac Day recently commemorated, my question is, does Hume Council still support the completion of a Turkish Australian Friendship Memorial in Broadmeadows Town Park as was approved in the Anzac Centenary Working Group? $10,000 had been previously allocated, and the exact wording on the Hume website stated, “Support for a community-led fundraising project to install a memorial in the Broadmeadows Town Park with the words of Ataturk”?

RESPONSE: Director, city planning & places

In a report to Council in March 2015 outlining the activities of the Anzac Centenary Community Committee, Council stated it would support a community-led fundraising effort to install a memorial in Town Park. Council is not aware of any current community-led campaign and as such does not have plans to install a memorial in Broadmeadows Town Park.

PQ1187 – Daniel English – deferred from 22 July 2024 meeting

For each Councillor (2020-2024 term), how many times have they logged on remotely to attend a council meeting instead of physically attending?

RESPONSE: chief financial officer

Meetings for this current term of Council commenced in November 2020. Between November 2020 and December 2021 sixteen Council meetings were held online only due to COVID-19 restrictions.

The number of Council meetings attended remotely by each Councillor between November 2020 and July 2024 is as follows:

  1. Jarrod Bell 19 meetings attended remotely
  2. Trevor Dance 72 meetings attended remotely
  3. Joseph Haweil 26 meetings attended remotely
  4. Chris Hollow 26 meetings attended remotely
  5. Jodi Jackson 66 meetings attended remotely
  6. Naim Kurt 19 meetings attended remotely
  7. Jack Medcraft 22 meetings attended remotely
  8. Sam Misho 30 meetings attended remotely
  9. Carly Moore 26 meetings attended remotely
  10. Jim Overend 20 meetings attended remotely
  11. Karen Sherry 20 meetings attended remotely

These attendance figures only report on whether Councillors attended a meeting remotely at which they were present. Meetings at which Councillors were an apology or otherwise not present are not included in these figures.

PQ1191 – Daniel English

The council generally holds an annual planning evening, day, or weekend. Which Councillors attended each one of these for this council term?

RESPONSE: Chief financial officer

All Councillors are invited to attend planning days which are typically held to support the budget and council planning cycle. Throughout this term of Council, these planning days have been held on:

  • 30 & 31 Jan 2021
  • 26 & 27 Nov 2021
  • 6 March 2022
  • 18-19 Nov 2022
  • 24 & 25 November 2023
  • 20 April 2024

These meetings are informal and therefore attendance is not formally recorded. However, the following data reflects the calendar response of individual Councillors.

PQ1192 – Daniel English

The Council generally holds an annual planning evening, day, or weekend. If attendance is not formally recorded, which Councillors accepted the calendar invitation to attend each one this council term?

RESPONSE: Chief financial officer

On the:

  • 30 & 31 January 2021 – All councillors accepted with the exception of Cr Dance
  • 26 & 27 November 2021 – All councillors accepted
  • 6 March 2022 – All councillors accepted
  • 18-19 November 2022 – All councillors accepted

24 & 25 November 2023 – Those councillors that accepted were:

  • Kurt
  • Sherry
  • Bell
  • Medcraft
  • Moore
  • Hollow

20 April 2024 – All councillors accepted.