BoilOver Performance theatre group. Heartstrings. Photo / supplied.

BoilOver to pull at your heart strings

BoilOver Performance Ensemble‘s next production is Heart Strings. Performers have been preparing for the show since April.

Working with composer Ciaran Frame, and featuring guest performer Nina Robertson, the show explores love, risk, and courage in performances that will take place at The Bowery Theatre, St Albans.

Ciaran Frame is a composer and researcher. His work has featured across Australia and internationally, and has included turning people into instruments to asking 10,000 people to play the kazoo.

Nina Robertson is a circus and physical theatre performer who says she is happiest when perched up high, be it on a tower of people, dangling from the ceiling on an aerial rope, or on her unicycle.

Performance dates

  • Thursday 18 July, 7pm
  • Friday 19 July, 7pm
  • Saturday 20 July, 2pm

Call 9744 4455 or email [email protected], Facebook and Instagram.