Sunbury car park open day offering free food and entertainment. Photo / Sunbury Life.

Car park ‘fun day’ fizzles

An event to celebrate the opening of a $39m carpark in Evans St, Sunbury, seemed to attract a lukewarm response from the community on Sunday 28 July.

A level section of the carpark was sealed off to cars from 11am until 2pm for vehicles to line its perimeter offering a range of free food, drinks, and games such as hula-hoop. Keeping visitors entertained in 12 degree temperatures was a DJ playing music through loud speakers.

Helping to manage cars entering and leaving the site were two people wearing high-vis jackets.

From comments posted on social media Saturday 27 July, the event doesn’t appear to have been well publicised, with some locals asking for information such as the location and time of the event.

A post on Hume City Council’s Facebook page promoted the event as being: “…the perfect opportunity for locals to connect and celebrate this significant milestone”.

The original budget was $25.88m, but finished up at $39m.

Sunbury Life has asked the council how much the event cost ratepayers. This story will be updated when more information comes to hand.

It was a slow day at the family fun day at the new Evans St carpark. Photo / Sunbury Life.