SES Sunbury.

Second SES site planned for Sunbury

Sunbury is to get a second SES site thanks to a contribution this week of $5.9m from the State government’s growth areas infrastructure contribution (GAIC) to help fund its construction.

The GAIC fund is made up of cash collected from those buying or developing large sections of land in Melbourne’s expanding suburbs – which includes Sunbury.

Sunbury is to get the lion’s share of GAIC’s $12m award for projects in Hume. Funds will be used for:

  1. Expansion of the dialysis/chemotherapy floor area at Sunbury Community Hospital – $2,920,000
  2. Land acquisition and construction of a Type C SES facility in Kalkallo – $1,800,000
  3. New pedestrian and bike bridge on Toyon Rd across Merri Creek at Kalkallo – $1,206,090
  4. Land acquisition and construction of a satellite SES facility in Sunbury – $5,941,194

Hume City Cllr Jarrod Bell, who is also the official media contact for Sunbury’s SES, joined the town’s MP Josh Bull in a Facebook announcement about the award.

A spokesperson for Vic SES had no details of a satellite SES facility for Sunbury. Referring Sunbury Life to the Community Safety Building Authority (which does not currently have Sunbury on its published ‘to do’ list).

Used to fund infrastructure, the total GAIC pot is valued at $400m. So far, $216m has been collected from Hume businesses, with $116m (54% of the fund) committed to 21 projects in the city covering:

Bus Route  $38,472,336
Bus Route (Under Investigation)  $8,362,000
Construction  $27,706,090
Infrastructure Upgrade  $32,386,250
Land Acquisition  $43,190,810
Land Acquisition and Construction  $7,741,194
Open Space  $1,011,407

Apart from Hume, other districts to benefit from the fund include Cardinia, Casey, Melton, Mitchell, Whittlesea, and Wyndham.

GAIC was introduced in 2010 in the Planning and Environment Act 1987 Part 9B to respond to the challenges facing residents in growth areas.  It is managed by the Minister for Planning and the Victorian Treasurer.

Sunbury is still waiting for the promised Tafe, first announced by MP Josh Bull in May 2023.

Growth Areas Infrastructure Contribution Explained