Section of Gap Rd to be renamed

Station St, Sunbury, is to be extended to Horne St after Hume City councillors voted to rename a section of Gap Rd. The decision was made on Monday 29 April.

Also on the cards is a plan to realign a section of Station St to correct what Sunbury Cllr Jarrod Bell called a “geographic anomaly” since the removal of the railway level crossing.

The decision follows a period of public consultation with those living nearby.

“We had comments that there are more important things to do,” said Cllr Bell. “I think correcting something like this is important especially when it comes to navigation.

“In my background in emergency services these sorts of errors can often direct emergency services in the wrong places and spaces, and there is a formal process that we have to undertake to change the name of a very popular and very well used road.”

Council will write to affected property owners and residents, who originally received a consultation pack on the proposal from council, notifying them of the change.

The street name change has to be approved by the Registrar of Geographic Names.