Sunbury ’24 in pictures

With tickets selling out in days for Sunbury ’24, the excitement was palpable when the gates opened at 1pm on Saturday 13 April, and thousands of music fans poured into The Nook to claim their spot.

Celebrating and reliving the famous Sunbury pop festivals of the 1970s, Sunbury ’24 brought back warm memories for plenty of ticket holders, and the event gave a whole new generation a taste of live music in what can only be described as a friendly and harmonious atmosphere. Some might say spiritual.

And the audience, covering all generations were not left disappointed by the line up of new performers and established acts with huge followings. Phil Manning was missed though, and we send him our best wishes.

What a day. What a night. We’re already looking forward to 2026.

Steve Hart went along to capture some of the day…

The gates open and thousands of music fans head to the stage area of The Nook.  Photo / Steve Hart.
The gates open and thousands of music fans head to the stage area of The Nook.
The excitment builds at Sunbury '24...
The excitement builds at Sunbury ’24…
Jeff Duff (Kush) performs at Sunbury '24.
Jeff Duff (Kush) belts out a Bowie classic and gets the crowd up on their feet.

Below, front and centre and dressed in red, Deb Sweeney who helped convince Hume City Council to put on the show dances the day away…

Sunbury '24 - Jeff Duff (Kush).
Jeff Duff (Kush) belts out some Bowie classics and gets the crowd dancing.
Jeff Duff (Kush).
Karen Lee Andrews performs at Sunbury '24.
Karen Lee Andrews.
Margret RoadKnight.
 Matt Taylor (Chain) takes a look at the crowd before going up to the mic.
 Matt Taylor delivers an outstanding performance with his harmonica.
Peter “Robbo” Robertson (Spectrum).
Spectrum wow the audience.
Singer Mike Rudd, and Peter “Robbo” Robertson (Spectrum).
On guitar, Brenden Mason (Spectrum / Madder Lake).
Brenden Mason smiles at a fan.
Michael O’Loughlin (Madder Lake).
Michael O’Loughlin (Madder Lake).
John McKinnon (Madder Lake).
Jak Housden (Richard Clapton Band).
Richard Clapton Band.
Richard Clapton Band. Copyright Steve Hart.
Richard Clapton Band.
Sheldon Riley belts out Queen favourite, We Are The Champions.
Emma Donovan.

All photos copyright Steve Hart.