Climate change has wiped all mammalian life from the planet’s surface, leaving pine trees and mushrooms to take back the planet. It’s not the latest warning from those worried about rising temperatures, but the basis of a new novel by author, and Sunbury speech pathologist, Michael Prewer.
His book, R.E Generation (to be released 1 June) follows the life of Sarah who wakes after a chemically-induced sleep lasting 50,000 years. We read as she and her fellow volunteers – humanity’s last roll of the dice – find a world that’s far removed from the one they remember.
Mr Prewer has been writing plays and stories, and developing board games, for as long as he can remember. R.E.Generation is his debut novel, but there are already a number of others on the go.
He has worked as a paediatric speech pathologist for more than six years, and is passionate about taking small steps to minimise the impact humans leave on the planet. Mr Prewer also has a keen interest in theatre, sports, mathematics, puzzles, and snorkelling.
He says R.E.Generation presents a time when humanity succumbs to the ravages of a changing climate and a reproductive blight.
“It takes the reader into a distant future where a few volunteers struggle to survive on a reborn earth,” says Mr Prewer.
“R.E.Generation explores one possible future where the climate crisis has almost won. Will Sarah and her friends ensure the survival of the species?”
R.E.Generation is out 1 June. Priced $34.99, and available at Collins Booksellers in Sunbury.