DJ with a disco mix deck

Blue Light looks for new committee members

Sunbury Blue Light is looking for a whole new committee and president to run events and services in the town.

The Blue Light program is run by Victoria Police and the community, and includes discos as well as a range of youth programs and initiatives – all conducted in a safe supervised environment by police members and community volunteers.

The program aims to identify and address the needs of young people who are ‘at risk’, and provides education, life skills, cultural, social, and sporting programs for people aged five to 18 years.

Blue Light has been running for more than 40 years, but a new committee is needed to keep it going in Sunbury.

Sunbury Blue Light’s next AGM is on Tuesday 21 November at Sunbury Police station (6:30pm start), and all current committee positions will be declared vacant.

Among the positions to be filled include:

  • Social media manager
  • Canteen manager
  • Volunteer co-ordinator
  • Youth volunteer coordinator
  • Treasurer
  • Equipment manager
  • Committee member all-rounders

See the sign-up form here if you want to be considered for a position.

The next Sunbury Blue Light disco is on Friday 1 December at the Sunbury Memorial Hall, details here.