A Nab bank customer looks at a broken cash machine in Sunbury.

Nab bank branch to reopen

The Sunbury branch of Nab bank is to reopen in July following its apparent sudden closure in February, that left its account holders high and dry.

Poster displayed at NAB bank, Brook St.

At the time its street-facing cash machines were not working and all customers knew – thanks to a window poster – was the bank was ‘closing for a short time’. How long? the bank couldn’t say when we first reported on the closure in February.

This week, a Nab spokesperson says the Brook St branch had been shut due to work on the building’s flooring.

“We’ve been closed while maintenance works have been performed on the building which has included having the flooring replaced,” says the spokesperson.

“We’re looking to reopen in early July.”

Over recent months plenty of the bank’s customers have taken to social media be-moaning the branch’s closure, with some speculating it would be closed permanently.