Cause of damage to local pool a mystery

The root cause of damage to pipes servicing Sunbury Aquatic Life Centre’s 25m pool remain a mystery this week. The pool was closed to swimmers by centre management in May 2023. Hume City Council is unable to say how the pool’s return water pipe system came to be damaged.

It a written statement, council says: “We’re committing to replace all return pipework associated with this pool – we are not just repairing, we are replacing – this reduces the risk of future failures as our pipes will be new and to modern standards.”

As for explaining why the pool’s pipework needs replacing, council says “…many factors play a part in these situations”.

“We are unable to determine the exact cause [of the damage],” states council. “Age, deterioration, or ground movement can lead to issues like these.”

Council states it is unable to provide a cost for repair, and declined a request to share the council’s engineers’ report on the pool saying it is “an internal document”.

The pool is expected to re-open sometime in August/September following completion of repair work, states the council.

SunburyLife has previously reported on the pool closure here.