Rubbish in Craigieburn.

Fly tipping – it’s rubbish in any language

Apparent confusion over who can use the council’s free tip passes was cleared up last week during a council debate on rubbish dumped in the streets. The issue was highlighted in a TV news segment where Sunbury Cllr Jack Medcraft spoke about one part of Craigieburn looking like a dump.

During a meeting of Hume City councillors on Monday 12 March, Aitken ward Cllr Jodi Jackson reminded renters they can use free passes when visiting a tip by showing their drivers’ licence – so long as it has their current address on it. Free passes are based on addresses, not rates notices (which include physical tip passes).

“We made that change several years ago, but there is not strong awareness of this,” she said. “It is abundantly clear that we need to throw everything we can at this issue because it deeply affects every resident in this city.”

At last week’s meeting, councillors voted to distribute a magnetised A5 poster to every home in the city illustrating waste disposal options. The idea was first suggested by Cllr Sam Misho at a February council meeting. He also asked that council share waste disposal options in multiple languages in print, online, and on local radio.

Cllr Jack Medcraft said he’d like to see church leaders promote waste options.

“I’d like to see church groups speak to their brethren and say ‘it’s not a good look’ if you go and dump your rubbish out the front and leave it there,” he said. “We really need to have some pride in where we live, and push that issue of pride and doing the right thing.

“If they are given information in their language I think that can only help with the problem we have of waste being dumped everywhere.”

Residents wanting help with their waste can call the council on 92052200 (select option three for hard waste collection). Council offers a free translation service, residents can email [email protected] or visit the council website.

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