Sunbury leisure and aquatic centre.

Closed swimming pool drama continues

Hume City Council says it been informed by its contractor – Roejen Services – of a…

Sunbury Pool salc.

Council to lodge insurance claim for leaking pool pipes

Failed water pipes at the council-owned 25m pool in Sunbury is the basis of a claim…

$45,000 pool repair bill rises to $525,000

On 22 May Hume City Council announced that Sunbury’s indoor pool at the aquatic leisure centre…

What does Sunbury need?

An anonymous poster on a Sunbury Facebook group asking what the town needs by way of…

Hume City Council offices

Hume council update for Sunbury

These are the key items that were discussed at Hume City council meeting on Tuesday 13…

Cause of damage to local pool a mystery

The root cause of damage to pipes servicing Sunbury Aquatic Life Centre’s 25m pool remain a…

Leisure Centre to replace pool’s pipes

An investigation into leaking water pipes at the Sunbury Aquatic and Leisure Centre, which began on…