Petition launched opposing Hi-Quality’s expansion plans

Petitions are being placed across Sunbury opposing the proposed expansion and extension of Hi-Quality’s ‘Eco-Hub’ operation in Sunbury Rd, Bulla.

So far, petitions have been placed at Food Works, Belleview Dr, and at the Brown Cow Cafe, Vineyard Rd. The petition will be sent to Hume City Council.

News of the petition came via an anonymous post on a Sunbury community Facebook page.

Hi-Quality has announced a number of proposed changes to its operation in Bulla, including wanting to keep its West Gate Tunnel spoil facility open until 2048, it was due to close this year.

In addition, it proposes to build a rubbish incinerator requiring 180,000 litres of water a day and featuring a 50m tall chimney. It also wants to expand its quarry, build a hazard waste treatment facility, and a mud washing operation.

Traffic from its proposed expansion would add 800 truck movements to the roads a day.

See our other reports on Hi-Quality here.