stock photo of child playing with toys.

Toy library gets cash boost

The Sunbury Toy Library is to buy a range of new toys and educational games thanks to a $10,000 grant. Volunteers at the Dobell Ave library will also use some of the cash to update its premises and promote its services.

Treasurer Georgina Prewer says the grant is exciting for volunteers and is looking forward to using the funds to improve its service for the Sunbury and surrounds communities.

Ms Prewer says: “Many of our toys are a bit outdated, and when we look some of them up they are classified as vintage.”

She says that while the older toys are charming, new educational toys and more modern toys will be a welcome addition, “…particularly as they have been requested by library members”.

“This grant is also giving us the opportunity to update our storage and shelving system in order to make our toy library more appealing and easier for members to browse and enjoy,” she says.

“As well as updating our toy collection, we are having a big promotional drive this year, with the help of the grant funds. We are hoping to attract new members to our service and in particular we are hoping to attract volunteers.”

The library is run entirely by volunteers and its governing committee consists of four local mums who run the local toy library service.

“We need more help for the toy library to thrive and make the most of our recent grant opportunity,” says Ms Prewer. “We have lots of opportunities in many areas of our operation – from running toy library borrowing sessions, updating our online catalogue, running our social media accounts, and sorting, cleaning and cataloguing toy donations.”

Those interesting in volunteering can contact the Sunbury Toy Library via its Facebook page here.

The Australian Toy Library, thanks to a $445,000 grant from the Victorian government, is to open four new toy wells and two new toy libraries in Hume. The services will provide free toy-lending to children and families experiencing hardship.

What is a toy library?