Sunbury’s original pop festivals remembered

The Sunbury ’24 exhibition commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Sunbury Pop Festivals with photographs, memorabilia, and audio-visual references from civic, community and State archive collections. 

The exhibition highlights pivotal moments in an important time for Australian music history and demonstrates the lasting cultural legacy of the original festivals.

The exhibition is being held at Sunbury’s Global Learning Centre, Macedon St, and runs until Sunday 5 May.

Here’s a video of some of the things on display…

Sunbury Festival Exhibition

Below, Deb Sweeney remembers the 1975 Sunbury pop festival. This interview was recorded ahead of the recent Sunbury ’24 festival held on Saturday 13 April.

Sunbury Life podcast logo.
Sunbury Life news and information
Remembering Sunbury’s rock festivals with Deb Sweeney