Fire risk to close Sunbury Cemetery

The trust that manages Sunbury Cemetery in Shields St is closing it to the public on Wednesday due to the risk of fire.

In a statement, the trust says that in accordance with its fire danger policy, it has decided to temporarily close the grounds “…due to significant fire danger ratings forecasted for Wednesday, 28 February 2024”.

“Given the anticipated catastrophic fire rating, for the safety of all visitors and staff, the cemetery will be closed for the entire day. Services will only be conducted prior to 12pm. Additionally, we understand that the office of Remembrance Parks Central Victoria will be closed after 12pm,” says the trust.

“A sign will be prominently displayed at the cemetery gate to inform the public of the closure.”

Members of the trust say they apologise for any inconvenience caused and “…appreciate your cooperation in prioritising safety during this time”.

The cemetery made the news recently after the grave of James Ness was allegedly disturbed by maintenance workers.