Hi-Quality waste landfill plant Bulla.

Hi-Quality to submit waste-to-energy plans

Hi-Quality, the firm that has big plans for its Bulla-based waste site, is currently reviewing and refining its resource consent applications based on stakeholder and community feedback, says a spokesperson for the firm.

It will submit plans between April-May this year for a waste-to-energy facility to EPA Victoria for environmental approval, and the Department of Transport and Planning for planning permissions.

The company operates an Eco-Hub at Sunbury Rd, Bulla, and wants to expand its operation at the 256 hectare site over the next six years. See our full report here.

The Eco-Hub currently has resource recovery, food and organics processing, soil processing, and quarrying approved and operational within the facility, in addition to the existing landfill.

The firm proposes to build a waste-to-energy rubbish incinerator to generate electricity on the site, install a mud washing operation, build a recycling facility with annual capacity of 500,000 tonnes, expand its quarry to the south-east and north, and add a hazard waste treatment facility with a capacity of 300,000 tonnes a year.

In February the firm held a series of online community consultation sessions, with the last one taking place Thursday 22 February.

“We greatly appreciate the involvement and interest of everyone who attended,” says the company’s spokesperson. “The sessions demonstrated that the community is interested in learning more about the details of the proposals.

“In particular, we heard that the role of energy-from-waste, and the process and technology that would be used in the proposed facility is a key focus, as well as the findings from the technical assessments and how any potential impact would be mitigated during operations if the facility is approved.”

Aspects such as the proposed location of the site, how the proposed facility would be monitored to prevent potential impacts, and management of truck movements and maintenance of roads were common themes of the consultations.

Hi-Quality’s spokesperson says the firm will provide answers to all the questions received through each of the sessions in mid-March, with specialist input from its proposed technology providers and technical advisers.

“Throughout the process, we have engaged with Hume City Council representatives and the local member [MP Josh Bull] on the proposals, however we can’t speak to their views on the plans,” says the spokesperson.

Read what Sunbury’s representatives have to say about Hi-Quality’s proposals here.