Danny, volunteer truck driver in Sunbury

How to give back with just two hours a week

Danny Chetwynd-Brown (pictured right) sees volunteering as much about feeding his passions as it does the satisfaction he feels when somebody gets a goal with his help. 

The Sunbury-based truck driver and active volunteer embodies this year’s National Volunteers Week theme of “The Change Makers”. As a volunteer he has helped Hume City Council’s TAC L2P driver education program.

He has also been at the heart of the Sunbury community as a Scout Leader for more than 13 years, acting as a “door man” at Sunbury’s Blue Light Discos, and working with the Kid x Plus initiative at Sunbury Cobaw Community Health

The youth focus in Danny’s volunteering, which takes place outside his day job as a truck driver, began as a way for him to spend time with his son when in the scouts.

“As long as it’s got youth in mind, I’m there,” says Danny.  “I have two passions, one is to empower young people so they can make a difference, and the other is driving trucks.  

“When you see a young person achieve something they didn’t think was possible it’s remarkable. When you see a parent see a child achieve something…It’s even better.

“I got into Blue Light through scouting events, and then you meet more people and more people – so it’s just this big fraternity of volunteers. You meet people who volunteer through volunteering – Sunbury has a great community feel about it.” 

Volunteering for All

He adds that with Sunbury continuing to grow, there is plenty of room for more volunteers.

Additionally, Danny believes if people could tap into what ignites that passion in themselves, they would easily come across volunteering opportunities in Hume City – and plenty of new friends. 

“The best place to start is to ask someone if they can spare two hours,” he says.

“Everyone can spare two hours if they turn off their TV and commit the time to something that will bring value to the community.”

National Volunteers Week runs from 15 – 21 May 2023. Visit Volunteering to learn more about the opportunities in Sunbury and across Hume.